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  1. Hello. Ive been using Crunchi cosmetics for a while based on your recommendation, without even looking at ingridient list. Then I decided to look and saw ingridient called DIMETHICONE. On EWG site that ingridient listed as 2-4 rate and moderate restriction. As you saying that CRUNCHI has no conserns for you, what would you say about that ingridient then?
    Thank you

  2. I noticed that EWG rates the crunchi foundation a 4. I have hashimoto and am looking for a foundation that won’t bother my thyroid…

    is this rating here still up to date?

  3. I’m curious if you’ve ever looked into Toups and Co in your makeup and beauty reviews? They seem to be very clean, but I’m curious how you’d compare them with someone like Crunchi. Thanks!

  4. I have sensitive fair skin and always used the supposedly “clean makeup”, or the expensive “purported to be cleaner” options, but it wasn’t until I took YOUR advice and tried Crunchi foundation, that my skin is finally clear, clean and healthy. Same with lipstick … no more problems.
    Thank God for YOU and all your tirelessly excellent hard work! I trust your ratings over all others. YOU are the best … God Bless You!

    1. Wow! Thank you so much for your kind feedback, Betty, – we appreciate it a lot!! We are truly happy to hear about the wonderful changes in your skin and that we could be of help! May God bless you abundantly!