What You Can Do About Uranium in Water
Regular hydration is vital for your health, but is all water good for you? Studying the issue of clean drinking water, I discovered that it is not wise to place absolute trust in your municipal facilities to provide you with clean drinking water. Indeed, I have had my tap water tested for potential contaminants several times. Each time, the test report showed contaminants in drinking water that are not good for our health.
The last straw was when one of the water tests revealed such a concerning level of uranium in our water that I could not believe my eyes! Much to my surprise, when I told one of my neighbors that I had discovered a high percent of uranium in drinking water, all they said was, “Good for you!” This tells me that not everyone is ready to process such information and even more so – to make changes. If you are ready to make changes, this post is for you. You will learn whether there is an acceptable uranium concentration in tap water, and what you can do to make sure you drink healthy water.
What You Can Do About Uranium In Water
When it comes to water, I believe that drinking clean water is an important way to optimize your health. Obviously, uranium in water and other contaminants do not make water healthy.
The shocking truth is that our tap water is not as clean as we might assume. The fact that it is clear and tastes fine does not mean there are no contaminants, including uranium, in it.
Thus, during their nine-month investigation, the Guardian and Consumer Reports sampled tap water across the US. In March 2021, they reported that they had discovered worrying levels of arsenic, lead, and PFAS in the water. Specifically, more than 35% of the samples had PFAS at levels above Consumer Reports’ recommended maximum.
To clarify, per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a group of man-made chemicals that includes PFOA, PFOS, and other chemicals. They are known as “forever chemicals” because their chemistry does not let them break down under normal environmental conditions.
As for arsenic, about 8% of samples had this heavy metal at levels above Consumer Reports’ recommended maximum. And 118 out of 120 samples had detectable levels of lead. (Read my post to see if you need to send a sample to a water testing lab for lead testing.)
So, what can you do to determine whether there are contaminants, including uranium, in drinking water in your home? You can test it using a home water testing kit, which is exactly what I did.
Why I Don’t Rely On Municipal Water Test Reports
While municipalities follow the Environmental Protection Agency’s Drinking Water Regulations, there are some flaws with that.
First, the EPA regulates only about 100 contaminants in drinking water. The EPA does not require that municipalities test for many contaminants, e.g., pharmaceuticals or perchlorate. And it does not regulate their presence in tap water, either. Hence, none of these unregulated tap water contaminants will appear in your water quality reports.
Second, if a contaminant is regulated, it may still be present in your drinking water. There are many cases of violations where EPA standards were exceeded but not reported.
Finally, the EPA standards are essentially a compromise between public health and the regulated industries. For example, the Federal government sets 15 ppb as a safety limit for lead. Alternatively, the California Public Health Goal is 0.2 ppb, which is 75 times lower than the federal level. Above all, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that there is no safe level of lead for children.
What about uranium – is there an acceptable uranium concentration in drinking water? Let’s find out!
Is 7 PPB Of Uranium In Water Safe?
My Tap Score test results revealed a high percent of uranium in my drinking water, namely 0.007 parts per million (ppm), or 7 parts per billion (ppb). Is this an acceptable level? Here is a screenshot from my Tap Score report:
Well, the EPA Maximum Contaminant Level for uranium in drinking water is 30 micrograms per liter (= 30 ppb):
So, on the one hand, our level is below the EPA Maximum Contaminant Level. However, here is something you need to know.
There are two terms that the US EPA uses: maximum contaminant level (MCL) and maximum contaminant level goal (MCLG). While the MCLG reflects the level with no known or expected health effect, the MCL considers cost and technological feasibility. Thus, the MCLG for uranium is 0 (zero) micrograms per liter or 0 ppb. As for the MCL, in 1991, it was 20 micrograms per liter, or 20 ppb. In 2000, it went up to 30 micrograms per liter, or 30 ppb. Why? We can find the answer below (source):
As you can see, health concerns are not the only factor for federal decisions regarding contaminants in drinking water. There are other factors, and money has a big say in them.
Conversely, the California Environmental Protection Agency sets a public health goal (PHG) for uranium in water based solely on health standards. Their number is 0.5 ppb (source):
In sum, compared to the EPA maximum contaminant level (MCL) of 30 ppb, the 7 ppb in our water is not that bad. But in comparison with the California public health goal (PHG) of 0.5 ppb, 7 ppb seems enormous, being 14 times higher.
Is uranium in drinking water a big deal, anyway?
Side Effects Of Uranium In Water
To begin, uranium is common in groundwater and soil, and enters drinking water from natural sediments, irrigation, and runoff. Because of its presence in soil and in some water supplies, it occurs in many kinds of food, too. Additionally, the use of phosphate fertilizers increases the uranium level in food (source).
Next, the California EPA states that “uranium is an emitter of ionizing radiation, and ionizing radiation is carcinogenic, mutagenic, and teratogenic.” It means that it can cause cancer, change the structure of cells, including their DNA, and cause fetal abnormalities. Further, water may have many forms of uranium, including uranium-235, uranium-238, and the most toxic form for human health, uranium-234.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), ingestion of high uranium concentrations can cause cancer of the bone or liver. However, its toxic chemical properties can cause kidney damage much sooner than its radioactive properties would cause cancers of the bone or liver. Per the EWG’s database of contaminants in drinking water, 30 ppb of uranium would cause more than 4.6 cancer cases in a population of 100,000.
Chronic low-level exposure to uranium is common and has far-reaching side effects. Thus, research suggests it is connected to fertility impairments, thyroid cancer, and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (specifically that caused by elevated anti-thyroglobulin antibodies (TG Ab)). More research is needed on possible links to hypertension and osteoporosis. One study found increased rates of several cancers at a level of only 2 µg per liter (2 ppb).
Further, this study on the association between uranium exposure and thyroid health showed that 50% of Americans have a urinary uranium level below 0.005 mcg/g creatinine. However, it does not appear that these levels are safe for most Americans. Scientists found that levels of urinary uranium correlate with some thyroid autoimmune antibody levels even at below average levels.
So, what can you do about uranium in water in your house? And how can you remove uranium from drinking water?
What You Can Do To Drink Healthy Water
First, I want to emphasize that hydration is critically important for your health. It’s a great idea to consume at least half of your weight in ounces daily.
Let’s talk about some steps you can take to start drinking healthy water:
- Read your annual water quality reports and/or use a home water testing kit to identify contaminants in your drinking water.
- Choose the right water filtration system for the contaminants in your water.
- Don’t drink bottled water, including alkaline water, at home on a regular basis.
- If you can’t install a whole house water filtration system, consider the AquaTru countertop filter.
- If you can’t afford to get a water filtration system, get a water pitcher.
- Regardless of the filtration system you use, be sure to monitor your filters and change them regularly by following the manufacturer’s instructions.
Use A Home Water Testing Kit
In my opinion, the best third-party testing lab is Tap Score for the following reasons.
First, the Tap Score lab sets the lowest minimum detectable levels for contaminants, which is critical. Let’s take lead, for example. Some labs set a minimum detectable level for lead at 2.5 ppb. This means that the lab will not detect anything less than 2.5 ppb. In other words, the test result will show up as “negative,” even if the tested water has 2.499 ppb of lead in it. This is not so good, especially given the fact that California’s safe health level of lead is 0.2 ppb. The Tap Score lab sets the minimum detectable level for lead at 0.5 ppb which is the lowest I have seen.
Second, they have various testing packages, e.g., for city water, for well water, for fluoride, for PFAS chemicals etc. Whatever your goal, you can have a testing package for your needs.
Third, the Tap Score report contains health information on each water contaminant and even specific water filter suggestions for you.
Last, it is easy to use this water testing service, and their customer service is responsive and knowledgeable. (You can learn more about this lab and my experience with it in my blog post How To Test Your Water Quality At Home.)
Now, let us talk about water filtering options.
Choose The Right Water Filter
Generally speaking, the right choice of a water filtration system depends on the specific contaminants in drinking water. For instance, reverse osmosis (RO) systems are very powerful. To clarify, reverse osmosis is a process that filters most impurities from water. At the same time, however, it demineralizes the water by also filtering out healthful minerals like calcium and magnesium. Besides, reverse osmosis wastes a lot of water.
Another thing to keep in mind is that the same filter works differently on different water chemistries. Indeed, water hardness, pH, and the number of contaminants matter.
Once you have your test report from Tap Score, the question you will have is what to do with this report. My recommendation is to contact Clean Water Revival. They are an expert service that can assist you with selecting the right water filtration system for the contaminants in your tap water. They will walk you through your municipal water reports, as well as the Tap Score report, and give you the best recommendations based on where you live and the contaminants in your water.
How I Chose My Water Filter
First of all, when I was searching for my ideal water filter, I did not know about Clean Water Revival. So, I bought and tested two water filters – Aquasana Reverse Osmosis and Pure Effect. Both filters removed the uranium in water to the minimum detectable level of 0.5 ppb. That was great news because, normally, carbon filters, such as Pure Effect, are not powerful enough to remove uranium from drinking water. Also, Pure Effect removed fluoride 100% (i.e., to the minimal detectable level) even in our very hard water (16.11 grains per gallon!).
Hence, based on our specific contaminants in drinking water, I decided to go with Pure Effect. Additionally, I liked the taste of the Pure Effect filtered water, its pH, the filter quality, and the customer service. Plus, unlike the Aquasana Reverse Osmosis system (RO), Pure Effect didn’t remove magnesium and calcium from the filtered water. That was important to me because my body is not good at absorbing magnesium from food.
Keep in mind, though, that the fact that RO systems remove calcium and magnesium from water should not deter you from getting an RO system (after all, RO systems are powerful at removing all contaminants in water). You can easily compensate for that by filling up a glass jar with your filtered water and just adding magnesium and mineral salt to it.
You can read more about Aquasana’s quality and customer service and my opinion on Berkey in my post The Best Water Filter System For You.
Water Filtration Systems For Uranium Reduction
Currently, there are no systems for uranium reduction with a specific NSF certification. On the other hand, there are systems that are certified to reduce its by-product, radium 226/228. They include many reverse osmosis (RO) systems and salt-based water softeners.
Allegedly, these systems are effective for uranium reduction. Remember, though, that reverse osmosis is a process that filters most impurities from water, including beneficial minerals. And a salt-based water softener is an ion exchange system that replaces calcium and magnesium with sodium ions. (Learn more about the safety of drinking soft water here.)
You can find the list of water treatment systems NSF certified for radium 226/228 reduction in NSF’s listings (source). Additionally, you can confirm how much uranium in water a specific system reduces by sending a sample of treated water to a laboratory, such as Tap Score.
Reduce Your Consumption Of Bottled Water And Alkaline Water
Give up drinking bottled water at home because there is no guarantee that it came from pristine natural springs or deep aquifers. (Learn about the safety of drinking spring water here.)
In fact, the “FDA does not require bottled water companies to disclose to consumers where the water came from, how it has been treated or what contaminants it contains” (source).
Thus, in 2019, the Center for Environmental Health (Oakland, CA) announced the results of an independent test it commissioned. It revealed high levels of arsenic in Starkey bottled water (Whole Foods) and Peñafiel bottled water (Keurig Dr Pepper) (source).
Besides, single-use plastic bottles present a huge environmental concern. For example, this study compared water from the same spring packed in glass and PET plastic bottles. The findings indicated that estrogenic activity was three times higher in the water from plastic bottles. In other words, PET packaging materials seem to be a source of estrogen-like compounds. (Learn more about the safety of plastic water bottles here.)
Furthermore, consider not drinking alkaline water made by an alkaline water machine. For one, these machines offer limited filtration for contaminants in drinking water. Those that have activated carbon filters reduce many contaminants, but not all of them. Drinking highly alkaline water can raise the pH of your stomach acid and result in indigestion and poor nutrient absorption. Thus, your drinking water should not be alkaline. (Learn more about the safety of alkaline water here.)
Use A Water Pitcher Or Countertop Filter
I realize that acquiring a water filtration system for your home is a serious endeavor. And for some of you, it may not be the option due to your living conditions, e.g., in a dorm or a temporary apartment. That is why I looked into countertop pitchers and several options for you to consider, namely:
I would pour the filtered water out of the plastic container, though, into a glass or stainless-steel container. We take Epic Pure Water Pitcher with us when we travel.
Next, if you are renting an apartment and can’t install an under-the-sink water filtration system, this AquaTru Countertop Filter can be a great solution for you.
Additionally, use reusable water bottles made from safe materials to store your filtered water. Some options for safe water bottles made from glass and stainless steel include:
- Klean Kanteen Stainless Steel Water Bottle
- Hydro Flask Stainless Steel Water Bottle
- Life Factory Glass Water Bottle
You can learn more about best and safest water bottles here.
Conclusion About Uranium In Water
Regular Exposure To High Concentrations Of Uranium In Drinking Water May Be Detrimental To Your Health.
In conclusion, the first step to drinking healthy water is testing it with a reputable laboratory. For me, the best lab is Tap Score because of their low detectable levels, a variety of packages, and great customer service.
The second step to reducing contaminants in drinking water is buying an appropriate water filter. I suggest turning to Clean Water Revival for help in this matter.
There are no NSF certified filters specifically for reducing uranium in water. However, Aquasana and Pure Effect filters I used on my water handled this issue well, removing uranium 100%.
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I wondered if you had thoughts on the glass water pitcher from Lifestraw. We were amazed at the difference in taste(for the better) when we made the switch, but now I’m thinking I should still test it.
Hi Ali,
Thank you for reaching out!
We have looked into Lifestraw, but not recently.
Can you please advise of a method and source to test our water at home?
Hi Susan,
Here you go: https://ireadlabelsforyou.com/product/water-testing/
We hope this helps!
Any suggestions or thoughts for a shower filter for uranium reduction? Thanks!
In our experience, there are no shower filters for uranium reduction. However, we recommend contacting the following two companies for a professional consultation on the matter: https://ireadlabelsforyou.com/product/pure-effect-shower-water-filter/ and https://ireadlabelsforyou.com/product/easy-solution-water-filtration/ We hope this helps!
Thanks, I will check it out! I have RO for my drinking water but seems like should have something for shower too.
I have been wanting to test my well water for some time now. I am curious about the uranium level in it. I looked at the tapsource site and see that there are three testing packages. Can you tell me if you used the advanced well water testing or the extended well water testing. There is a significant step up in price but wondering if its worth doing the more thorough test. Thank you for all your work. I really love reading your research.
Hi, Maria:
I think the Advanced test (middle one) is the sweet spot. This is what we did. ~Irina
I’m curious if you tried the Berkey Water Filter system and your thoughts on it.
Hi, JoAnne: As I said in the post, I don’t recommend Berkey filter. You can read more about it here: https://ireadlabelsforyou.com/best-water-filter-system-for-you/ ~Irina