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  1. This was very helpful! Was looking to find a non toxic frying pan for cooking delicate items like eggs because the cast iron is too rough with them and they break and get stuck. Was hoping to find a company that makes them in Canada or the U.S!

  2. I’d like to buy a fully non toxic frying pan here in the UK. What are my options? Not many from what I’ve read!
    Your help appreciated.
    Kind regards
    Rod Fleckner

  3. I truly truly appreciate the time and effort you put into this article. There aren’t many people in this world that are willing to go deep lengths to find the truth and then take the time to explain to the public

    1. Hi, Jeff! Thank you for reaching out to I Read Labels for You! We truly appreciate your kind feedback – it means a lot to us! We are happy to help!

  4. Great, thorough article. From what I know about ceramic nonstick cookware, I suspect that the reason Always doesn’t disclose their “proprietary” nonstick product is because it’s the same as GreenPan (although perhaps a different trade name, just like the hundreds of PTFE products on the market today). If people knew it was the same thing, they’d be less willing to pay the premium price for the Always pan.

    I am completely in agreement with you that ceramic nonstick has not proven that it is safe. Like you, I use mostly stainless steel and cast iron cookware. I own a nonstick skillet but haven’t used it in years, and will never buy another one.

    I would love to learn more about the ceramic nonstick cookware industry. I know that the PTFE cookware industry is unethical, dumping their unregulated toxic waste into local water supplies. But I’ve found very little about the ceramic nonstick industry. Do you have any more information about it?

    1. Hi, Melanie! Thank you for reaching out to I Read Labels for You and your kind words about our work! We appreciate your willingness to do research and make positive changes in the market! Normally, when we write a blog post, we do research of the industry in question and then reveal everything we have found out in the post. It is possible that there hasn’t been much research done in this sphere in the first place; hence, not much information is available. In your own research, you could start with contacting companies and asking them questions: the more of us do that, the sooner we’ll see the change in the market! Thank you for your interest in healthy living! (You can also check out how we do research here:

  5. Hi, I just found your site and read this review and thank you for such a thorough and well-thought out review. I use SaladMaster pans, which I think are wonderful, have you heard of them? I chose them after spending a couple months researching in a similar manner which you describe, but I’ve haven’t become quite so well versed as you have. Love your mission! Happy to have discovered your site and looking forward to reading your emails, I’ve just subscribed! 🙂

    1. Hi, Michele! Yes, we have heard about this brand. Thank you for your kind feedback and subscription! We are happy to be of help!

  6. I bought the Always pan last year. I have used it every day for scrambled eggs and the eggs have always stuck to it in places and I use butter. I think it’s been making me feel ill. I’m worried about lead poisoning. I read that it has some lead on the outside bottom of the pan. I’m going back to using my cast iron and stainless steel skillets. I bought it because it’s pretty. Shouldn’t have done that.

    1. Hi, Brenda! Thank you for your comment! We are actually in the process of updating the Always Pan blog post. After doing deeper research into it, we stick to our recommendations for safer cookware, i.e., cast iron and stainless steel. Although, I agree with you – Always Pan IS pretty!

  7. Hello, and thank you for the info.

    Quick question for you, would it not be better to use traditional carbon steel cookware, or cast iron in place of the pan?

    Why Green Pan?

    1. Hello, Jo! Thank you for the question! In the concluding section of our post about Our Place Always Pan we mention GreenPan for those who think they absolutely must use non-stick cookware. However, our preference has been stainless steel and cast iron. We have tried to emphasize that in our recently updated post about GreenPan. Please, consider reading it: Thank you for your feedback!

  8. I am a person who usually researches products before buying, but I’ve been so busy I haven’t had the time to for the Always Pan. I wanted to know what the coating was made from, so thank you for doing the work. I just emailed them so I can get some questions answered. The questions you listed really helped as well.

  9. Hello Irina – I truly appreciate the time and effort in research that you put in to this topic, to educate us to make more informative decisions.

  10. Amazing analysis and information. thank you. I live in a community impacted by PFOAs so found this new pan interesting.

  11. Same as Rachel – it was exactly the information I was looking for – asking the right questions.
    You are doing valuable work 🙂