How to Get Clean Water in Your Home
Today I’d like to share with you some very exciting news. There is an unprecedented service that you will be interested in learning about because it concerns clean water – an absolutely critical component of our health.
There are so many water filter systems sold today. But, how do you choose the best water filter system for you? One way is to test your water. That’s why I am thrilled to tell you about this unique service.
In this modern world, some of us assume that tap water is safe. Sadly, it is not true. Many of you have heard about the Flint, Michigan water crisis. Unfortunately, high levels of lead are not unique to Michigan. Just recently, drinking water in Oakland, California turned out to be as bad and even worse than it is in Flint.
And these stories concern lead exposure. Lead is a well-known toxin affecting all organs in the body with no safe level of exposure.
Records have shown that since 2004, the water provided to 49 million Americans have had illegal concentrations of chemicals such as arsenic, dangerous bacteria, and even radioactive substances. And 20% of water treatment facilities have violated the Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974 that is the only government regulation overseeing the safety of our drinking water.
You might have seen water quality reports issued by your local municipal water facility. The first time I saw it, I needed help understanding what the report was actually telling me. When you read your local water district’s report, you should keep in mind that those water quality reports are not completely unbiased as they are issued by the very facility that is supposed to do a good job at keeping your water safe. And lastly, the quality of water in the watersheds is not always representative of the water you get in your home, as the water goes through the pipes that may add contaminants (which is what happened in Flint).
If curious, you can find your local municipal water quality report here.
So, this is a pretty dim picture. What are we as consumers (and we are all consumers of water) to do to inform and protect ourselves?
Well, there’s a new company that was founded to help us do just that.
I’d like to introduce you to Tap Score by SimpleWater, an unbiased service founded by a Berkeley University team of scientists, engineers, and academics who are passionate about clean water – because clean water is at the crux of our long-term health.
The process is simple. No matter where you live, you send SimpleWater a sample of your water (they will tell you how to do this). They will then test your water for over 100 contaminants (which is the highest number I have seen) and will provide you with a very easy to understand report. You won’t need help reading it, but if you have questions, they are available to answer any questions you might have.
For every contaminant, SimpleWater will provide you with the most stringent maximum allowed limit they can find. If there is no official up-to-date limit, they rely on their internal expertise and partnerships with leading academic institutions. In other words, their recommendation is based solely on the potential health impact without considering how costly and inconvenient it would be to eliminate or reduce the sources of the contamination.
Moreover, the SimpleWater team of scientists and engineers created an unprecedented database of water filters that satisfy their high standards. So based on the results of your water report, they will recommend you a water filter you can use in your home. Again, they will answer any questions you might have and they welcome any feedback you might have about their service.
One more thing I like about SimpleWater is that they are absolutely unbiased. They neither sell water filters nor profit financially in any way from the sales of water filters. All their profits are generated from the sales of water testing packages. So you can rest assured that they work for you. SimpleWater wants to be your personal water manager.
SimpleWater experts are using an innovative wholesale model to bring water testing to you at affordable prices. They just launched water test packages called Tap Score Water Test at an introductory price, which they have plans to increase in the future.
Furthermore, to get a discount code, please email us.
To access an example of a Tap Score Water Test, visit here.
To view and order different water test packages, visit here.
They also have a free service where you can type your zip code and learn about local risks affecting the quality your drinking water.
In conclusion, I believe SimpleWater can provide you with the most effective way to start drinking truly clean water. I hope you will check them out!
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Hi Irina, thank you for your tremendous work. Which test did you buy from tap score?
Hello, Leslie! Thank you for the question! Irina used an advanced city water test.
I send water tap sample to them and there was a high Arsenic with a score water quality of 95 out of 100
I send water filter sample which work with carbon black filer (BG 3000) there was a high Ni in water but No more Arsenic and quality sore of 87 out 0f 100
I got Aquatru filtration which work with a reverse osmosis action and send ONE sample of both filter (BG 3000 and Aquatru filtration) that everything was fine and sore was 96 out of 100.
I dug deeper into their site, and read that the fluoride is indeed listed as a substance they test. Sorry — it was just not listed on the main page that compared products, so I assumed it was not tested for.
It appears that Tap Score does not measure fluoride content in water…correct?
Hi, Sasha: Tap Score measures fluoride. What makes you think that it does not? ~Irina
Hey Irina, have you considered or have an opinion on Big Berkey Water Filters?
Curious as they seem to claim a lot of benefits over a usual under sinc method of filtration…
Thank you !!!
Hi, Katerina: Could you remind me if they have any NSF certifications? Here is more on that here: ~Irina
They don’t but claim to conduct more rigorous testing than required by NSF…
Just trying to narrow it down as I need to pick a system in the next few days…
thanks a lot for your wealth of information!!!
I see. The test reports look good. Why do you prefer Berkey water filters over the ones I researched? ~Irina
Having a GenX problem in NC. Want to get a whole house filtration system. Pls advise
Hi, LaNita: I am so sorry to hear that. Jim, who is detailed in my article, is a great resource for that. Give him a call. ~Irina
Hi Irina,
Did you hear about waterchef for drinking water. Can you pls let me know if it is good.
Hi, Ramya: it looks like a good one but again it would depend on your water and your filtration needs. For example, do you need to filter out fluoride? If you’d like we can chat on the phone about this: Thanks. ~Irina