Kabrita Goat Milk Formula

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Kabrita goat milk formula is made in the Netherlands and contains nonfat dry goat milk and goat whey protein concentrate, which are easier to digest, and prebiotics to help with belly health and easier digestion.  There are no sweeteners, except lactose, which is great.  Most ingredients are non-GMO organic.  It does contain controversial palm oil.  Be sure to consult with your pediatrician to choose a baby formula that is right for your baby.  You can get a trial package for free.  For more information, read below.

More info

Regarding palm oil, this 2003 study shows that palm oil interferes with calcium absorption and therefore decreases bone mineralization/density.  On the other hand, a 2005 study showed no effect on bone mineralization/density.  It is important to note that the babies were fed with a formula containing palm oil for the first 4 months of their lives only.